Written by Shariah Stocks Screening

Is Amazon Stock Halal to Invest in? Facts You Should Know

Company NameAmazon.com, INC
Shariah ComplianceCompliant

Report Published as on 31st May 2024

We have conducted an extensive review of Amazon.com from a Shariah perspective to assess its adherence to Shariah principles based on its sources of income.

Amazon.com, Inc. aims to be the most customer-centric company globally, serving various customer segments, including consumers, sellers, developers, enterprises, and content creators. The company operates through multiple segments, catering to the diverse needs of its customers. It offers a wide range of products and services, both online and through physical stores, focusing on selection, price, and convenience to serve consumers effectively. Additionally, Amazon provides platforms and programs for sellers to grow their businesses, publish and sell content for authors, musicians, filmmakers, and app developers, and offers cloud computing services through Amazon Web Services (AWS) to developers and enterprises of all sizes.

As of 2023, Amazon.com stands as the world’s largest online retailer and marketplace, leading provider of smart speakers, dominant force in cloud computing services via AWS, and prominent player in live-streaming services through Twitch. The company’s revenue and market share surpass those of its competitors, with its paid subscription plan, Amazon Prime, boasting over 200 million subscribers globally. This remarkable growth has propelled Amazon to surpass Walmart as the world’s largest retailer outside of China.

In analyzing Amazon’s revenue streams, we will apply Shariah screens to its various operating segments to determine their compliance with Shariah principles.

Segment Breakup: (In millions of USD) For year ended 31st December 2023

Segment RevenueNon-Permissible Revenue% Non-Permissible RevenueNon-Permissibility ClassificationComments
Online store$ 231,872
Physical store$ 20,030$ 2,00310%Alcohol/Pork/TobaccoIts whole food segment has sales from Alcohol/Pork/Tobacco
Third-party seller service$ 140,053
Subscription services  $ 40,209$20,104.550%Entertainment/Music50-50 rule applied as per Shariah Board decision 
Advertising services and others$ 46,906Primarily includes sales of advertising services. Seems to be compliant
AWS$ 90,757
Other$ 4,958
Total$ 574,785$ 22,1073.84%

Area of Concern From Shariah Perspective

In the initial table analysis, it becomes apparent that certain business segments of Amazon engage in non-permissible activities. Notably, the physical stores segment includes non-permissible activities due to sales from alcohol, pork, and tobacco products, particularly within its Whole Foods segment. A Shariah compliance concern arises regarding the revenue derived from the subscription services segment, which includes fees associated with Amazon Prime memberships granting access to various digital content, including video, audiobooks, music, and e-books, alongside faster delivery services.

The subscription services segment is multifaceted, comprising two key components: access to expedited delivery of goods, deemed permissible, and access to entertainment content, which poses Shariah compliance challenges, albeit not all content offered being non-permissible. The pivotal question arises: do Amazon Prime subscribers primarily pay for access to entertainment content or for expedited delivery services? While the company’s perspective emphasizes the latter, the lack of disclosure regarding revenue bifurcation complicates the assessment.

In such scenarios lacking clear revenue segregation, the Shariah Board applies the 50-50 rule, assuming half of the subscription revenue as non-permissible. With subscription services accounting for $40.2 billion, representing 6.99% of total revenue, the application of this rule deems 3.49% of the subscription revenue as non-permissible, within the permissible threshold. Consequently, the Shariah Board concludes that Amazon Inc. complies with the business sector screening criteria, factoring in the peculiarities of its subscription services revenue.

It is essential to highlight the Shariah Board’s acknowledgment of the unique nature of Amazon Inc.’s subscription services revenue. Moving forward, a scrutiny of the non-operating segments’ revenue sources will be conducted to assess their adherence to Shariah principles.

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Non-operating Revenue: (In millions of USD) For year ended 31st December 2023

Segment DescriptionSegment RevenueShariah Non-Permissible Revenue% Non-Permissible RevenueShariah Non-Permissibility ClassificationComments
Interest Income$ 2,949$2,949100%Interest income
Marketable equity securities valuation gains$ 984
Equity warrant valuation gains$ 26$ 26100%Non-permissible income
Foreign currency gains $ 65
Total$ 4,024$ 2,97573.93%

It is clear from the table above that the non-operating income of the company includes interest income which is Shariah not compliant. This amount is included for the calculation of the Sector Compliance and Dividend Purification.

Sector Compliance Calculation:

Total Revenue$ 578,809
Non-permissible operating revenue $ 22,107
Interest Income$  2,949
% of non-permissible revenue 4.32%
Sector CompliancePASS

Dividend Purification Calculation:

Revenue DescriptionNon permissible Revenue (millions of USD)
Shariah Non-permissible operating revenue$  22,107
Shariah Non-permissible non-operating revenue$ 2,975
Total Shariah Non-permissible revenue$ 25,082
Total Revenue Of The Company$ 578,809
Dividend Purification Ratio4.34%

The second level of screening is to ensure that the company passes the Shariah Financial Ratio screens. 

Shariah Financial Ratio Screening: 

(All figures in millions of USD for the year ended 31st March 2024)

3 years Average Market$ 1424223
Total Debt$ 57,634
Debt Ratio0.040467

Source: All the above information is based on the website of the company and the annual report for the year ended 31st December 2023.


Given the above information, we at Islamicly believe that Amazon.com Inc. is a Shariah-compliant company as per the Shariah screening criteria.

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Last modified: February 13, 2025
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