Written by Shariah Stocks Screening

Is Coal India Ltd. Stock Halal To Invest? Facts You Should Know

Report Published as on 2nd August 2024

Company NameCoal India Ltd
Shariah CompliancePASS

We have conducted a comprehensive review on Coal India Ltd from a Shariah point of view and analysed its sources of income to know whether they are complying with Shariah principles.

Coal India Ltd (CIL). is mainly engaged in mining and production of Coal and operates Coal washeries. Backed by the Indian government’s Ministry of Coal, CIL holds the prestigious “Maharatna” status, signifying its potential to become a global giant. The “Maharatna” status grants CIL special privileges from the Indian government, enabling them to expand their operations and compete on a global scale. The power and steel sectors are their primary consumers, while cement, fertilizer, and brick kiln industries also rely heavily on their products.

Spanning across 83 mining areas in eight states, CIL is a major contributor to India’s energy security and economic development. Headquartered in Kolkata, they fulfill a staggering 79% of the country’s coal needs. CIL stands tall as the world’s largest coal producer and a top employer in India, boasting a workforce of over 228,000 (as of April 1, 2024). 

The company derives revenue mainly from the following segments namely:

  • Coal Sales: This is their primary revenue stream, recognized upon delivery or transfer of control of the coal to the customer.
  • Coal Washing Services: Processing coal for customers might generate separate revenue based on the service agreement.
  • Power Generation: Revenue from power generation (including renewable energy) would likely be recognized when the electricity is delivered to the customer.

Let’s have a look at the operating segments from which the company derives its revenue and apply the Shariah screens to them:

Operating Revenue: (In INR Crore) for the  year ended 31std March 2023

SegmentsRevenueNon-Permissible Revenue% of non-Permissible RevenueNon-Permissible Segment ClassificationComments
Coal Revenue127,607.70
Other Operating Revenue10,624.44Including, Loading and additional transportation charges, Evacuation Facility Charges and consultancy and other services

Segment Breakup

Coal revenue: This is the core of coal revenue, generated by selling mined coal to various industries.

Coal Processing Services (Others): Some companies might process raw coal through washing or other methods to improve its quality. 

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Tricky Areas From a Shariah Perspective

CIL is a significant contributor to India’s development. They are the world’s largest coal producer, ensuring reliable energy for essential infrastructure and industries like steel, cement, and fertilizer (essential for food production). This aligns with Shariah’s emphasis on social well-being.

Based on the above information, it is safe to assume that the business operations of Coal India Ltd., would be Shariah Compliant 

Let’s have a look at the non-operating income of the company

Non-operating revenue of the company: (In INR Crore) for the  year ended 31std March 2023

SegmentsRevenueNon -Permissible Revenue% Non -Permissible RevenueNon -Permissible ClassificationComments
Interest Income3,069.093,069.09100%Interest Income
Profit on Sale of Assets28.13
Gain on Sale of Mutual Fund338.35338.35100%Mutual Fund
Lease Rent39.28
Miscellaneous Income1,410.05penalty recovered from Customer and Contractor

It is clear from the table above that the non-operating income of the company includes interest income and Gain on Sale of Mutual Fund which is Shariah not compliant. Interest income, as shown in the table, is factored into calculating both Sector Compliance and Dividend Purification.

Sector Compliance Calculation:

Revenue Description(In INR Crore)
Total Revenue143,406.81
Non-permissible operating revenue 0
Interest Income3,069.09
% of non-permissible revenue2.14%
Sector CompliancePASS

Dividend Purification Calculation:

Revenue Description(In INR Crore)
Non-permissible operating revenue0
Non-permissible non-operating revenue3,407.44
Total Non-permissible revenue3,407.44
Total Revenue Of The Company143,406.81
Dividend Purification Ratio2.38%

Financial Ratio Screen: 

(All figures in INR Millions for the Quarter ended 31ST March 2024)

3 years Average Market1556639
Total Debt65230.3
Islamic Debt0
Adjusted Debts65230.3
LC Ratio4.19%

Source: All the above information is based on the website of the company, Annual and the latest Quarterly Report for the period ended 31st March 2024.


Given the above information, we at Islamicly believe that Coal India Ltd. is a Shariah Compliant company as per the Shariah screening criteria.

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Last modified: September 10, 2024